Porcelain Veneers Perfect Smiles
Patients who have numerous cracks, chips, stains, or gaps in their smile may find porcelain veneers are the solution to all of their cosmetic concerns. Placed onto the front facing surfaces of teeth, porcelain veneers conceal and correct a wide array of smile flaws instantly. Best of all, the high quality porcelain is durable and stain resistant offering patients long lasting results. If you’re interested in finding out more about porcelain veneers, contact Dr. Kwon and his team today.
What are Veneers?
Porcelain veneers are thin sheaths of dental grade porcelain that resemble an egg shell. These veneers are fastened to the surfaces of teeth to instantly conceal any number of flaws, protect cracked or broken teeth from further damage, and deliver picture-perfect smiles. In some cases, we may recommend using composite resin dental bonding as a more affordable and time saving option, but veneers are a more durable and longer lasting solution, which is better for patients who wish to improve a larger section of teeth.
What is the Veneer Process?
Porcelain veneers require patients to visit our office at least two times. During the initial appointment, we remove a minimal amount of surface enamel that makes room for the veneer to lay flat within patients’ smiles. Then, we capture digital impressions of the prepared teeth that are used by our trusted dental lab to craft the veneer. Before patients leave our office, we place temporary veneers to protect teeth and allow patients to get used to the look and feel of their veneer. Once we receive the final product, patients return to our practice to exchange their temporary for a custom solution, leaving our office with a picture-perfect smile.